Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summary Post C4T

A Non-Techie Resource Bucket Fillers by: lthumannA picture about bucket filling

Mrs. Lisa Thumann explained in her post how "Bucket Filling" made a positive impact on her daughters' life. Bucket Filling, is when students in the classroom write a compliment about another student and place it in that students' bucket anonymously. After researching this method she came across a book by Carol McCloud, which explained the idea behind bucket filling; it is about spreading love and good feelings towards each other. Mrs. Thumann and her daughters' teacher started a project documenting how the
students used "bucket filling". It proved to be a positive method in the student lives and a self-esteem booster.
I think every teacher should have some sort of method in their classroom that boost students' self-esteem. So many students are being bullied and tortured in the classroom today. These students need to hear a compliment from someone daily to keep their self-esteem high. I enjoyed this post and will incorporate this method in my future career as a Special Education Teacher.

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